Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why No Social Media Presence Is Bad for Job Seekers

Why No Social Media Presence Is Bad for Job SeekersWhy No Social Media Presence Is Bad for Job SeekersUp until now, your social media experience has consisted mostly of posting the occasional vacation photos on Facebook and hunting for cool images on Pinterest. But having a small social media presence- or worse, none- is really bad for job seekers. Heres what youre inadvertently telling prospective employers when your online persona is virtually non-existent.What Employers Think When Youre Not on Social MediaYoure hiding something.Maybe youve had some iffy pics pop up on Facebook. Or youve tweeted your undying love to Betty White on Twitter. In an effort to clean up your social media presence, you decided to dump it all and delete all of your social media accounts. For a job seeker, though, it can kill your chance of getting a job interview. Having absolutely no virtual footprint is highly suspect, and the first thing that a potential anfhrer will think is that youve done something t hat youre trying to deckblatt up.Youre not social media savvy.While perusing your resume, your boss-to-be is able to approximate how old you are. How? By checking how far back your dates of employment go, when you graduated from college, and the terminology you use in your resume. If a potential employer suspects that you might be an older worker- and then checks online and discovers that you dont have an online presence- he might jump to the conclusion that youre not social media savvy. And no matter what type of job youre looking for, in todays market, social media skills are a must-have.You simply dont care. Lets face it social media just isnt your thing. Youd rather talk than text, and print out pics instead of scrolling through them. If a prospective boss is interested in you, he can make his decision based on your resume and cover letter, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, every job seeker should have a paper trail of his previous employment as well as an online trail. While it migh t seem like a huge waste of time, potential employees are not picked simply by what they submit on a job application. Social media plays a huge factor in whether a candidate gets a callback- or not.You dont have anything to offer.Up until now, your career is a mlange of assorted part-time and full-time jobs in various industries. Your skills are also a mish-mosh of different things acquired over time. By not putting anything online, you hope to hide your spotty working history. But a hiring manager, upon not finding anything about you on social media, might think that youre not a strong candidate. After all, a job seeker who is invested in his job search can and should use every social media channel at his disposal in order to find a job- and there should be proof of that online that a hiring manager can find. That way, he will know that youre serious about your search and will take that same determination and dedication should you be offered a job with that company.No matter what y our reason, having a solid social media presence is an important step in the job search process. Start off by having a professional Facebook page, a polished Google+ page, and a clean Pinterest and Instagram account. You should also establish a Twitter account that you can tweet from to companies youre interested in working for (or even post interesting news topics that relate to your industry). And above all, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is completely filled out and up to date, and use its new blog post feature to write some interesting stories to give potential employers a glimpse into your personality. Once you start, you might find that you enjoy social media- especially when the job interview offers start rolling inReaders, do you have a strong social media presence, or is yours a little lackluster? Why? Let us know in the comments below

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why You Should Interview for a Job You Dont Want

Why You Should Interview for a Job You Dont WantWhy You Should Interview for a Job You Dont Want When youre eager to find work, its natural to blast out your resume to as many employers as you can, hoping that some of those hiring managers will bite. But what happens when youre called in for an vorstellungsgesprch for a job you realize you dont actually want?Its not a totally uncommon scenario, and initially, you may be inclined to pass on that bewerbungsinterview rather than waste your time - and other peoples time - discussing a role youre not interested in. But in reality, there are plenty of good reasons to attend a job interview, even if you dont intend to take the job.Attending job interviews can be nerve-wracking , so the more experience you have under your belt, the more confidence youre apt to gain. Candidates are often advised to do trial runs before attending actual interviews, so if youre invited to meet with a company you dont think youll end up working for, you can use that interview as a test run of sorts in order to do better in the future.If youre a strong interviewee who has an easy time talking to new people and building relationships, attending the occasional needless interview, so to speak, can actually help your career in the long run. Thats because every interview you go on gives you the chance to meet new people and make new connections, and that, in turn, can lead to different opportunities down the line.Maybe you applied for a role at a marketing firm that seems data-intensive, when in reality, youd rather spend your days doing something more creative, like developing marketing campaigns. But its not always easy to convey the entire scope of a role in a single job description , so if youre willing to take the time to attend an interview, you might find that the job in question is more appealing than you thought. In our example, you might realize that the so-called boring data-analysis job you were convinced youd tu rn down is actually quite creative in nature, making it a position youd consider accepting.If you go into an interview for a job youre convinced you dont want, theres a good chance that youll walk away from that interview feeling the same way. But if you manage to wow the people you talk to at that company, theres a good chance theyll contact you the next time a better opportunity opens up.Of course, if theres absolutely nothing redeeming about a given interview youre asked to attend - say, the job is a dud and the companys future seems bleak - then by all means, politely decline. Otherwise, it never hurts to take a few hours out of your day and see what an interview has in store. It just might end up leading to a great job one way or another.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Choose the Right Professional References

How to Choose the Right Professional ReferencesHow to Choose the Right Professional ReferencesReferences are your third-party credibility when trying to seal the deal on a new job. Having the right references is crucial in the interview process, yet a lot of job seekers dont curate the appropriate references for a job. Like resumes and cover letters, references arent one-size-fits-all. Finding colleagues who will make you sound like the perfect candidate for a role shouldbe broken down into three steps.Who should you choose as a reference?Similar to preparing for an interview, examine the job posting youre applying for and pick out the key responsibilities and skills. Think about personal anecdotes when youve applied these skills and recall anyone can vouch for your story or skills. These are the people you want to be your reference. For example, if the role is for an account manager then an excellent reference is a former client who loved working with you. When choosing your group o f reference its best to have a variety of people. For the account manager example, an ideal mix of references would be your former boss, a teammate and client. For an extra punch, if you were on good terms with your boss supervisor, he or she would be another powerful reference to add to the mix. Where can you use a reference?You can use your references before you even start looking for a new job. In the age of LinkedIn, recommendations on your LinkedIn profile cango a long way. Having colleagues who endorse your skills or write recommendations on your LinkedIn page are a must in todays job search process. Just make sure that the reviews and skills endorsed are of quality, substance and match the skill set of the job posting youre applying for. These one-paragraph blurbs are important in the first stages of the interview process, but once you get to the final stages youll need someone who is willing to take the time to sit on a 15-30 minute call and sing your praises. Having great r ecommendations on LinkedIn doesnt substitute for someone who is willing to be contacted directly for a referral. Some jobs still require a formal letter of recommendation. How do you ask someone to be your reference? Always ask the person first before listing them as a reference. No one wants to be called out of the blue and asked to speak about someone elses accomplishments. Youll only make yourself look bad to the interviewer, and you might ruin your relationship with your potential reference. Even if its someone who has given you a reference before, its best to ask them first. schmelzglas is probably the best way to ask someone to be a reference. If necessary, refresh their memory of who you are and how you worked together in the first lines of the e-mail. Then you can give them details on the role youre applying for and what skills you hope to call out. If youre in a time crunch you can follow up with a phone call. If they politely decline your ask, its important to still thank them for their time. If they do accept the responsibility of being your reference, dont forget to thank them again after the interview process. Be humble and gracious when asking for a reference. Its about building relationships, not a one-time deal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Employers Tune Up Sales Force, Tap Growing Talent Pool

Employers Tune Up Sales Force, Tap Growing Talent PoolEmployers Tune Up Sales Force, Tap Growing Talent PoolAs the talent pool gets flooded with laid-off, often high-performing salespeople, employers re-consider their staffing plans.The economys in tatters. Consumer spending is down so far that alfruchtwein every major company has had to lay people off to keep itself in the red instead of the deep, deep red. Can anyone who knows sales expect the market for salespeople to be anything but slow?That depends on where youre looking. As in every other market, there are jobs being filled - sometimes even new jobs, rather than just those that open when someone leaves or gets fired - according to recruiters who specialize in filling sales positions.Even hiring freezes are sometimes less-than-solid, according to Ed Sordellini, partner at Target Solutions, a recruitment firm in Wilmington, N.C. Several big software companies have announced hiring freezes but are hiring anyway - sometimes to fill open positions, sometimes to beef up a strategic product or business unit.Not only that, but some sales managers see a period of high unemployment, when talented salespeople are out of work through no fault of their own, as an opportunity to upgrade their sales staffs.Theres a lot of good talent on the street, so some companies can say, Lets take the bottom 20 percent of our sales force and put them on the street and see if we can get some better people in here, Sordellini said.Even in good economies, that kind of turnover happens, but it becomes much more common in hard times, according to Art Romero, managing director at The Academy Group, a recruiting agency that specializes in jobs at financial-services companies. Even stranger, he said, is the number of salespeople pushing into areas most people think would be barren for jobs, namely financial services.At Smith Barney and other financial-services companies, applications are up for programs designed to train new financial advisers, the position most financial institutions rely on as their primary sales role, Romero said.For people who really get it, they realize this economy is a great economy to become a financial adviser, Romero said. There are a lot of clients right now unhappy with their financial advisers and looking for new ones - bedrngnis just individuals, trust funds and 401(k) account managers. Everything is in play.Unfortunately for people wanting to get in, the training programs at the big four - Smith Barney, UBS Morgan Stanley or Merril Lynch (now part of Bank of America) - are more selective today. Smith Barney cut in half the number of seats in its program UBS, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch have cut even more, Romero said.Getting into one of the better programs means being able to demonstrate youre a potential sales star, Romero said. That means good experience in financial or sales roles and at the executive or adviser level. Pharmaceutical salespeople tend to do well, as do at torneys who have lots of clients to refer, Romero said.But there are plenty of opportunities at smaller financial-services companies, many of which pay on commission only, so theyre willing to hire people who look like theyll be successful but dont have much of a track record yet.Being unemployed may be an advantage Hiring in sales is different from in other areas Hiring decisions are based on the priorities and perceptions of the salespeople who do the hiring, which are often different from those who hire for other functions.There are a lot of hiring managers, for example, who dont want to hire someone who doesnt already have a job, according to Jim Brown, president of Jim Brown Associates, a boutique recruiter in the San Francisco area that specializes in retained search in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.Even if there are a lot of good people laid off, theyd rather talk to someone whos demonstrably enthused by the opportunity rather than just looking for a spot to land, Brown said.Thats not only logical, its almost a rule in for sales jobs, Target Solutions Sordellini said - but those rules are bending in this economy.If youre unemployed, in sales thats normally a big negative. Right now, theres a kind of unique dynamic, Sordellini said. If youve got a job and youre looking, there may be a reason. You may have a target painted on your back. You have to peel the onion a little bit and see why someone wants to leave a job when most people are just hanging on.Just because someone is working doesnt mean theyre good, Sordellini said. With the market the way it is, it might mean theyre not performing and are on the way out anyway.There is so much high-caliber talent on the streets that recruiters are doing themselves and their clients a disservice not to consider candidates who have been laid off, Romero agreed.As a rule Id be more skeptical of someone who wasnt working for the last several months, Romero said. Now I try to look more at what they were doing until they were laid off and what they have been doing since. I have one good candidate who hasnt worked since August so I asked and he said he was finishing up construction on his house next to his country club and now that its done, hes ready to get back to the corporate world.Its unusual, even in the big-money financial services world, to find someone who took time off in this economy for a lifestyle choice. Investigating why and for how long a candidate has been unemployed can leave a recruiter grasping at straws, trying to figure out from the resume why that person hasnt been working, Romero said.The good news on the hiring front, though, is that salespeople tend to be good at getting jobs, Romero, Brown and Sordellini agree.They change jobs, on average, more often than other professions, and have much more practice looking for prospects, overcoming objectives and closing the deal.They know how to tell people what they want to hear, Sordellini said. Theyre good at qualify ing and good at closing. Those are both important in looking for a job.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Announcing Simply Hireds Enhanced Mobile Experience

Announcing Simply Hireds Enhanced Mobile ExperienceAnnouncing Simply Hireds Enhanced Mobile ExperienceOne third of job search traffic to Simply Hired come from mobile devices, and this number is growing every day. To better serve mobile job seekers and recruiters, the Simply Hired team has released a new and enhanced mobile experience at m.simplyhired.com.Our aim to make it easier and faster for job seekers and employers to connect on relevant jobs. Please givem.simplyhired.coma try, and let us know what you think.Here are a few highlights of Simply Hireds new and enhanced mobile experienceImproved search and discovery more real estate on the search page to show more job results when searching.Upgraded user profiles mobile activity can be tied to a custom profile, so saved searches and jobs can all be available on the mobile or desktop site without any delay.Mobile application flow each job posting is equipped with a utility bar, enabling candidates to save, email and apply to job po stings in one click.Mobile-first design built mobile-first, so navigation is intuitive and easy for candidates.Read the press release here.Read Related ArticlesThe Myth and the Reality4 Surprising Truths about Mobile Recruiting5 Quick Fixes for Mobile-Friendly Recruiting4 Essential Steps for Comprehensive Mobile Recruiting

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The War Against Cna Resume Examples

The War Against Cna Resume Examples Remember that your resume is step one to a potential job so that its critical in order for it to be useful in each and every method. Dont forget that your resume is the very first step to a prospective job so its critical in order for it to be perfect in every manner. Exactly like selling a completely new car, your resume needs to highlight your strong capabilities. Everything in your resume ought to be simple to read and simple to comprehend. The interest were searching for is the one which youre so passionate about that you dont see the time spent in the endeavor. Much like any other endeavor, you want to come out for or else, youre likely to fail. If you are searching for Cna Objective Samples youve come to the proper spot. Cna Resume Examples Secrets All employers want to recruit people who are likely to help them to realize their company objectives. You also have to explain your career objective thats an overview of the job opportuni ties you would love to pursue with the employer. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you will need a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Thus resume objectives will are different based on sector where youre interested in work. You may access financial assistance for your uniforms and other associated expenses (like childcare expenses in case you have a child) as well. There are a large selection of programs available due to the present demand for CNAs. The demand for CNAs is overwhelming because of the expanding percentage of the populace that necessitates medical attention. Although it is growing, you want to have a competitive advantage, especially for the best jobs. The One Thing to Do for Cna Resume Examples Job seekers starting to compose their resumes should always take a look at the comprehensive resume objective example documents to understand how they need to write relevant objectives according to their qualifi cations. Your resume, after all, isnt an autobiography, but instead a summary of your previous experience and qualifications. Include hobbies associated with the job youre applying for. Select your nouns for the job that you want, not the job youve got. Knowing the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae is a whole lot more important before you opt for a template. When you have defined you objective you will realize that it is simpler to state your long and short term career objectives. With the proper consideration, its guaranteed you will quickly receive a career. Curriculum vitae writing doesnt need to be always a one-person work. Writing a resume is not so difficult, but it does take some time and planning. Its possible for you to download and edit based on your experience and abilities. Listing the skills is likewise very important. Possessing the writing skills is terrific. Cna Resume Examples at a Glance In some instances you may also want to supply detail s on volunteer work youve completed. When you make an application for work in person, you could possibly be requested to complete a paper application. Your job application needs to be formatted within a simple, professional method. Youre going to be trained in different operations samples processes of the bank and are predicted to efficiently assist entry with their various transactions. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are a critical part of the medical team. Your certified nursing assistant resume has to be exceptional to have interviews. Certified nursing assistant training in erie will offer you the wisdom and skills you will need to begin a new healthcare career for a cna. The CNAs primary duty is to verstndigung im strafverfahren with the patients individual and healthcare needs as well as communicate critical details about the patients health. The medical care profession may also be stressful occasionally. Once you have gotten your certificate, youll need to verif y how often your state necessitates renewal. Or perhaps you just completed your CNA certificate and would like to manage sick kids. Give us a moment and youre going to write the finest CNA nurse resume out there. Find out what it requires to turn into an obstetric nurse As a registered nurse (rn), not only are you able to make a fantastic salary, but in addition will be helping people at exactly the same moment.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Connect with Talent Across Borders [Whitepaper] - Spark Hire

How to Connect with Talent Across Borders Whitepaper - Spark HireSometimes sourcing candidates outside of your region is beneficial for the success of your company. But how can recruiting and hiring professionals stay on budget while also maintaining a positive employment brand when sourcing across borders?Travel costs may not be an option for many organizations, so things like video interviewing solutions, social media, and mobile careers pages are among a few things discussed in this whitepaper that can help companies connect with talent more efficiently. Spark Hire has come out with the whitepaper titled Connecting with Talent Across Borders explaining how to connect with non-local, top-notch talent, simply and affordably.In this whitepaper, you will learn how to utilize video interviewing software, how to get social with candidates, the importance of mobilizing your efforts, and how to add value to those long-distance candidates who arent available to come to the office for an in -person interview.If youre a talent acquisition expert, download this incredibly valuable whitepaper, Connecting with Talent Across Borders, to enhance the way you connect with the top-notch candidates your organization needs